Home Beauty Top 11 Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles

Top 11 Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles

A young lady worried about her dark circles.

Dark Circles make a beautiful and charming face look tired and aged. But everybody wants to look young and pretty, right? In this in-depth article, you will get to know anything and everything about these black circles under your eyes. You can conveniently get rid of Dark Circles using the ingredients handy at home with these simple steps described in this article.

What Causes Dark Circles?

With the ever-growing level of stress in today’s hard-pressed life, we are deprived of our precious sleep. We don’t even have the time to keep ourselves hydrated. We don’t care what we eat, how we live. We spend long hours without any break in front of the computer. These are the basic reasons why Dark circles are a common occurrence today. Along with it, other causes include heredity, muddled lifestyle, aging, tiredness, depression, sickness, nutritional deficiency, unhealthy habits like smoking, hormonal changes, and many more.

Home Remedies to get rid of Dark Circles:

  1. Sweet Almond Oil

    sweet almond oil for treating dark circles
    • Before going to bed at night, gently massage a few drops of almond oil under your eyes.
    • Leave it for the night and rinse it off with cold water the next morning.
    • Repeat it daily until the glow under your eyes is back.
    • If you are allergic to nuts, do not use this method.
    • Do not rub the oil strongly, massage it with tender hands.
    • Use only sweet almond oil for the purpose. Bitter almond oil must not be used on the skin.
  2. Raw Potato

    • Grate one chilled raw potato and extract its juice.
    • Soak 2 cotton balls in it.
    • Place the cotton balls on your closed eyes.
    • Make sure it covers the entire dark circle region.
    • Let it rest for 10 to 15 minutes.
    • Rinse your face with cold water.
    • Repeat once or twice daily for a few weeks until you obtain results.
  3. Cucumber

    A young lady lying down with her eyes closed and cucumber placed on her eyes to treat dark circles
    • Cut a fresh cucumber into thick slices.
    • Refrigerate it for about 30 minutes.
    • Put it on closed eyes covering the dark circle region.
    • Remove after 10 minutes and wash your eyes with water.
    • Repeat once or twice a day for about a week to obtain results.
  4. Rosewater (Gulab Jal)

    • Soak 2 cotton balls for a few minutes in rose water.
    • Place the cotton balls on your closed eyes.
    • Make sure it covers the entire dark spots region.
    • Let it rest for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse your face with water.
    • Twice a day for 2-3 weeks.
  5. Tomato and Lemon

    tomato and lemon for treating dark circles
    • Mix 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of fresh tomato juice.
    • Gently apply the mixture under your eyes.
    • Let it rest for 10 minutes.
    • Rinse it with cold water.
    • Repeat twice a day for about two weeks.
    • Apply the juice gently ensuring it doesn’t go into the eyes.
    • Do not rub the mixture strongly, massage it with tender hands.
    • Apply only a fresh mixture of juices.
    • For sensitive skin, the mixture can cause irritation. Mix rose water for alleviating the effect. If irritation persists, immediately rinse off with cold water.
  6. Tea Bags

    • Soak two tea bags (preferably a chamomile or green tea) in water and refrigerate it for 15-20 minutes.
    • Place the chilled tea bags over the affected area for about 15 minutes.
    • Rinse your face with water.
    • Repeat once or twice a day for a few weeks.
    • Be careful not to get the tea in your eyes.
  7. Coconut Oil

    • Before going to bed, apply some extra virgin coconut oil with the help of your fingers gently massaging the oil into your skin.
    • Wash it off the next morning and pat dry.
    • You can use a mixture of Almond oil and coconut oil for better results.
    • Repeat daily for a few months.
  8. Milk

    • Soak cotton balls in cold milk.
    • Place it on closed eyes for 10 minutes.
    • Rinse off the face.
    • Repeat daily for the best results.
  9. Turmeric with Pineapple

    • Mix 1 teaspoonful of turmeric powder to a few drops of pineapple juice to form a uniform paste.
    • Apply it on the dark circles.
    • Keep it for 10 minutes.
    • Rinse it with water or wipe it off with a facial tissue or damp cloth.
    • Repeat daily for the best results.
    • Wipe off the paste gently ensuring it doesn’t go into the eyes.
  10. Aloe Vera Juice

    • For making Aloe Vera Juice using its leaf: Take a fresh leaf, slit it open, and scoop out the pulp. Smash and grind it into a paste.
    • Apply it on your dark circles.
    • Keep it for 20 minutes.
    • Rinse it with water or wipe it off with a facial tissue or damp cloth.
    • Repeat daily till you notice the results.
  11. Mint Leaves

    • Crush a few mints leaves in a mortar and make a smooth paste.
    • Apply gently on the affected area.
    • Let it rest for about 10 minutes.
    • Wash it off with cold water.
    • Repeat daily before going to bed.

Majority of ingredients suggested here are staple to most of the household. They are available right in your kitchen, no need to go anywhere else. In addition to using these wonderful natural remedies regularly, you need to follow some tips for best results:

  1. Get your proper Good night sleep.
  2. Stay hydrated by regular intake of water and other fluids.
  3. Take rest in between while working for long hours on computer.
  4. Have a healthy and nutritious diet, avoid junk food.
  5. Relax yourself from stress by yoga and meditation.
  6. Do not smoke and drink.

Now, you have to just wait and watch, your feeling of self consciousness going away and elegance coming your way. Just smile at yourself in the mirror and say Good bye to Dark Circles. Do not forget to write to us, which method worked the best for you!


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