Baking Soda Enema: Benefits and Side Effects


Baking soda has been used for years as a home remedy for stomach and intestinal ailments. Baking soda enemas have been around for centuries as an inexpensive home remedy for stomach illness and constipation. This practice is often recommended by alternative medicine advocates because, as it turns out, this may be an effective way to cure constipation.

II. What is an Enema?

Enema, also known as clyster, is a therapeutic process of injecting liquid into the colon through a tube inserted in the anus and rectum. The word enema can also refer to the fluid injected into the rectum. An enema can be used to flush out the bowel before a medical procedure or for relief of constipation and other bowel-related conditions. 

III. Baking Soda Enema Recipe – How to Make Your Enema?

Preparing a baking soda enema is relatively straightforward. It requires just a few common household ingredients. Add 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 liter of lukewarm distilled water. Mix it well, and the baking soda enema is ready. The mixture should then be allowed to cool down to a comfortable temperature before being inserted into the rectum.

IV. How to Perform a Baking Soda Enema

When you are ready for the enema, find a comfortable place to perform the procedure. One of the most preferred places to complete the process is in the bathroom, a private area with easy access to water and a toilet. To perform an enema, please follow these steps:

  1. Place a towel on the floor and fold it to create a comfortable surface to lie on.
  2. To administer the enema, you need an enema kit. The kit includes a hose, plug, water container or bag, and a rectal tip. Assemble the enema kit according to the given instructions.
  3. Lubricate the rectal tip, tube, and your anus using a water-soluble lubricant.
  4. Pour the solution into the enema bag.
  5. To test the flow, hold the rectal tip down, and open the clamp, which controls the flow of the solution. This should release the enema; allow a small amount of the solution to run into a bucket.
  6. Lie down on your left side on the towel. Bend your knees up as much as you can and put them close to your chest.
  7. Insert the rectal tip about 3 inches or 8 centimeters inside the anus slowly and carefully. Should you feel any resistance, you must stop. Adjust the angle to insert the tube smoothly.
  8. Hold the enema bag slightly above your hips and slowly release the solution by opening the clamp.
  9. If the solution starts to come out of your rectum, put your butt firmly around the tube.
  10. If you experience cramps, you should shut the flow off by pinching the tube and releasing it once the kinks have subsided.
  11. Once the entire solution is injected, remove the tube from your rectum.
  12. Remain in the same position. An enema requires the user to hold the liquid as long as possible, typically at least 15 minutes.
  13. When you feel the urge to empty your bowels and can no longer retain the fluid, use the toilet and stay there for at least an hour.
  14. After an enema, some people experience stomach cramps for a short time. Additionally, some people might feel faint or dizzy afterward. It is best to take a rest in such cases.

V. How Does Baking Soda Enema Work?

This is because sodium bicarbonate, the active ingredient in baking soda, makes the digestive system more alkaline, which has a laxative effect on the body and relieves constipation.

VI. What are the Usage or Benefits of a Baking Soda Enema? 

1. Relieves constipation

An enema administration is a technique to stimulate stool evacuation and relieve constipation. It also clears the body of accumulated toxins through the colon. Many people notice a sense of relief.

2. Bowel cleansing

Are you looking for a natural way to cleanse your bowels? Baking soda enemas are a great option. 

3. Preparation for Medical Examination of Colon

Your doctor may advise an enema before an X-ray of the colon to detect polyps so that they can get a clearer view. This procedure can also be used before a colonoscopy to prepare the colon.

VII. What are the Side Effects of Baking Soda Enema and Precautions

Many believe in the healing powers of cleaning the colon. They think enemas can relieve gastrointestinal distress and reduce gas, but scientific studies do not yet support these claims. In fact, baking soda enemas may pose a safety risk. While the substance is non-toxic and approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in baked goods, it is unclear whether or not its application in an enema could result in absorption into the blood or unintended tissues. Here are the possible side effects that one might experience after performing a homemade enema.

1. Risk of infection 

Performing an enema, particularly at home, carries a risk of infection.

When enema supplies are not sterile, this risk is higher. 

Precaution: You must not reuse enema kits, and ensure all pieces of equipment are as clean as possible.

2. Chances of Bleeding

There is a risk of damaging your rectum and/or colon.

Precaution: Use a good amount of lubrication. Also, you must be very careful while inserting the rectum tip. Should you feel even slight discomfort, pause and adjust the angle.

3. Discomfort

An enema can be uncomfortable and may cause discomfort for hours following the procedure, but this is typically a mild and harmless feeling. For example, one might feel faintness, lightheadedness, bloating, cramp in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting.

The discomfort should resolve within 1-2 hours. If not, there may be a more severe problem, and you should seek immediate medical attention.

4. Experiencing Unquenchable Thirst

You might experience a dry mouth and constantly feeling thirsty.

5. Having Severe Diarrhea

It is not uncommon to have severe diarrhea after an enema.

Precaution: It’s essential to keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of fluids such as water and juice and avoiding caffeine-rich beverages like coffee and tea.

If you experience one or more of these symptoms for a prolonged time, it is critical to seek a doctor’s help as soon as possible.

VIII. Safety Measures While Performing Homemade Baking Soda Enema

Doctors generally consider an enema a safe treatment for constipation in hospitals or other clinical settings. Homemade enemas have always been riskier because of the ingredients and proportions that people may use. Often, the liquids and ingredients used to create a homemade enema are not clean or they are not given enough time to cool down. Homemade enemas also lack professional equipment which is designed for safety and comfort.

A person needs to speak to their doctor before creating their own enema. The doctor can provide information about properly administering an enema at home and ensure the person does not put themselves in danger. Furthermore, a homemade enema should not be administered to:

  1. Children of age two years and below
  2. Pregnant and lactating woman
  3. Patients with congestive heart failure, severe kidney failure, megacolon, Paralytic ileus, active inflammatory bowel disease, and other intestinal disorder.
  4. Patients using drugs such as antidepressants, chloroquine, cardiac paces, and psychiatric medications.

IX. Conclusion and Takeaway

Homemade enemas have the potential to help relieve constipation by loosening and moving stuck stools to encourage bowel movements. However, many doctors debate the usefulness of baking soda enemas. They often point out that no conclusive evidence supports its efficacy and recommend against using it. The debate is fueled by the lack of rigorous scientific studies on this procedure, making these opinions largely subjective. Others argue it should be used as an alternative treatment method, especially for those with sensitive colons or rectums. 

The process can be performed at home, but there are risks attached to doing this independently. A healthcare provider should be consulted before administering an enema at home. The doctor may recommend other methods of relieving constipation, such as fiber supplements, stool softeners, laxatives, and changes in diet. For example, the doctor may prescribe increasing your intake of liquids and whole grains. 

The bottom line is enemas come with serious health risks. Consequently, anyone who desires to use an enema at home or assist another person must consult a doctor to determine if any specific contraindications exist.


Are sodium bicarbonate enemas the same as baking soda enemas?

 Sodium bicarbonate enemas and baking soda enemas are essentially the same things. They both involve the administration of a solution made with baking soda, the common name for sodium bicarbonate. This solution is prepared by combining water with a specific dose of baking soda, typically around 1-2 tablespoons per quart of water. A tube or nozzle introduces the resulting solution into the rectum and colon. The purpose of this enema is to neutralize excess stomach acid and promote bowel movements. Some people use baking soda enemas as a home remedy for digestion problems, such as constipation, bloating, or gas. However, it is important to note that enemas should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as they can have potential risks and side effects. Additionally, using too much baking soda in the enema solution can lead to electrolyte imbalances or other complications.

Can Baking Soda Treat Constipation?

Baking soda is sometimes used as a home remedy to treat constipation. However, there is not enough medical evidence to support this claim. Some people believe it can work as a laxative by increasing the pH of your stomach and encouraging bowel movements. However, other sources suggest that baking soda could actually be harmful if ingested in large amounts, as it can lead to electrolyte imbalances and other health problems. Furthermore, baking soda is not specifically designed to help with constipation and is not a substitute for a healthy diet or medication your doctor prescribes. Therefore, while baking soda might temporarily relieve some people, it is not a reliable or recommended treatment for constipation. If you are experiencing chronic or severe constipation, consult a healthcare professional to find the best treatment options. 

How Is Constipation Treated?

Constipation is a common digestive problem that affects people of all ages. It occurs when stool moves too slowly through the digestive tract, resulting in hard and dry stool that is difficult to pass. Treatment for constipation typically involves lifestyle changes such as eating a fiber-rich diet, drinking plenty of water, and engaging in regular physical activity. Increasing fiber intake can soften the stool and make it easier to pass. Over-the-counter laxatives such as stool softeners, fiber supplements, and stimulants can help alleviate constipation. In some cases, prescription medications like lubiprostone or linaclotide may be necessary for more severe cases of constipation. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before taking any medication for constipation, as some can cause side effects and should not be used long-term. In addition to these treatments, some people may benefit from biofeedback or pelvic floor exercises, particularly those with chronic constipation or pelvic floor dysfunction.

How does an enema work?

An enema is a procedure of introducing fluid to clean out the colon or lower intestines. It involves the insertion of a tube or nozzle into the rectum and then infusing a liquid into the body. The liquid could be a saline solution, water, or a solution with other additives like soap or sodium bicarbonate. The solution is held within the colon for some time, then expelled along with fecal matter through a bowel movement. The enema works by stimulating the muscles in the colon and causing the lower intestinal tract to contract, leading to a bowel movement. The solution also helps soften and loosen hardened stool, making it easier to evacuate the digestive tract. One of the benefits of enemas is that they can provide fast relief for constipation, and some claim that they notice a sense of well-being. However, enemas are not recommended for everyone as they may cause several complications, and it is important to consult a healthcare professional before using one. 

What Causes Constipation?

Constipation occurs when bowel movements become difficult, infrequent, or incomplete. This can happen for various reasons, such as a lack of fiber in the diet, not drinking enough fluids, and a sedentary lifestyle. Other causes include medications such as painkillers and antidepressants, which can slow down bowel function, and conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and diabetes. Psychological factors such as stress and anxiety can also contribute to constipation. In some cases, underlying medical issues, like thyroid dysfunction or neurological disorders, can lead to constipation. Certain lifestyle choices, such as ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement or regularly using laxatives, can worsen constipation over time. Addressing the underlying cause of constipation is key to preventing and treating it. Increasing fiber intake, drinking enough water, and exercising regularly can help alleviate constipation. If these measures do not work, medications or other medical interventions may be necessary to help regulate bowel function.

What are the risks of using an enema?

Enema is a medical procedure that involves introducing fluid into the rectum via the anus to facilitate bowel movement. While it offers benefits such as constipation relief and bowel cleansing, several risks are associated with this procedure. The most common risk is damage to the rectal walls and irritation, leading to bleeding, inflammation, and infection. Also, introducing liquids into the colon can lead to electrolyte imbalances and dehydration, particularly if the procedure is not done correctly or with the right solution. Other risks may include allergic reactions, perforation of the bowel, and abdominal cramps. People with certain medical conditions such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and hemorrhoids should avoid using enemas as it could exacerbate these conditions. In summary, while enemas can be helpful in certain situations, they pose risks and should only be done under medical supervision or with proper training to prevent complications.

What else can you add to a baking soda enema recipe?

When preparing a baking soda enema recipe, a number of ingredients can be added to enhance its effectiveness or soothe any discomfort. For instance, one may include a few drops of essential oils such as tea tree oil, peppermint oil, or lavender oil for their calming and antiseptic properties. Some people also add a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar to the mix to balance pH levels and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Another ingredient that can be included is Epsom salt, known for its detoxifying and relaxation properties. Moreover, a pinch of sea salt can help to draw out excess water from the colon and balance electrolytes. While many other items can be used in their baking soda enema recipe, it is important to note that it is always essential to research and seek professional guidance before trying out any remedies. 


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